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Declaration of Independence
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Question For AMERICA 'NEW'
What Happened To Our Founders NEW
WHERE is America Headed by Vance Havner 'NEW'
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American Patriot's Story
Don't Let This Happen To You NEW
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American Patriot's Story
Video Page 1 Financial Meltdown Video
Video Page 2 This Is Our Country Video
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Greetings Fellow Americans,

   I like to think of myself as an average American male that loves
God and Country. I am in my  50's and was born and raised in the Bootheel
of Southeast Missouri. After high school I volunteered for the US Army and
served my country in Vietnam. I thought it seemed like the least I could
do to say thanks for the Honor of living in the Greatest country on earth.  I now reside in the beautiful state of North Carolina.

Now, looking at these United States of America, it has occurred to me that it
does not appear to be the same Nation in which I grew up!  To say that I am angry would be putting it lightly. I
chose to serve this country and have never regretted my decision of doing
so!  However, I think it is time that all Americans come to the realization
that this Country is being changed into something  that the Founding Fathers
never meant this Great and Wonderful Nation to become.  That is the reason
it was designed to function with three branches of government to protect
the rights and liberties of its citizens.  Unless we as a people decide to
stand up and tell Washington politicians that we are not taking any more of
their wasteful spending and interference in the Liberties that make this
country the greatest Nation on Earth, It could soon be all but over.  As I look
at what the politicians are doing on a daily basis it may soon be to the point of becoming irreversible.  In just the few short months of the new
administration being in power, it has begun to change policies and laws to
make government bigger and more intrusive into the lives of we the people.  I am tired of seeing them spend our money on Bailouts.  I don't want the government to tell me what kind of toilet I can have in my house or what kind of light bulb I can use.  I don't want them telling me what Medical Care I can and cannot have.  If Thomas Jefferson or George Washington knew what was going on in the Country today they would surely be turning over in their graves. 
As it has been said many times by many people, Government is the Problem
not the Solution.  I Believe if we don't get these people out of Washington and
start fresh with people that will mean what they say and say what they
mean, it will be all be over but the crying.  It would seem to me that if
these people want to fix something they should start with Social Security
and Medicare because these programs have been funded with the hard-earned tax
dollars of millions of Americans and now that it should be time that some
of us can kick back and take it easy, it  seems that all of the dollars
we paid in are all but gone. Now these Morons in Washington have put us
further in debt and want to spend more tax dollars on Health Care that most
do not want and that will not work, as proven by the Social Security program.
I guess I do not understand how we keep spending money that we do not
have. Please one of you Geniuses  in Washington email me and tell me how  that works. It is very apparent to me that these people are in Washington
because of one of two reasons. It is either their ego seeking power or the Love
of money. I am guessing that it is all rooted in the love of money.  I
consider it a damn Shame that we the people cannot find enough honest
people with integrity to run the US House and Senate as well as the White
House.   Please do not put this off.  If you have had something tugging at
your gut to do something to stop this madness, then please do something.
Call Washington and be heard. I have called and emailed a lot lately and I also made
this website.  It may not be much but it is something I felt I had to do.
People, it is time to stand up and be heard. If your Representatives won't
listen then it is time they are Replaced, no matter what their political
affiliations are!!

Yours Truly,
Stephen W Howell