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Matt. 13: 24 – 29

Another parable put he forth unto them, saying,

The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

But while men (his servants) slept, his enemy came

and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

But when the blade was spring up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

So the servants of the householder came and said unto him,

Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field?

From whence then hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this.

Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares,

ye root up also the wheat also.”

Hopefully, readers will realize that the 'man' spoken

of in verse 24 is representative of Jesus.

The enemy in verse 25 is none other than Satan. What you may have overlooked is, that the servants in this story represent 'THE SLUMBERING CHURCH.'

For anyone who does not yet understand this, you

can jump ahead to verses 37 thru 39.

In verse 37 Jesus says very plainly that the one who

sowed the 'good seed' is the Son of Man referring of course,

to himself.

In verse 38 Jesus goes on explain that the good seed

are the children of the (God's) kingdom.

He also says in this verse 38 that the tares are the

'children of the wicked one'.

So much then for the widely popular saying,

that ( we are ALL God's children )

We all have to choose whether we will believe

what Jesus said, OR , what the likes of, let's say, an Oprah Winfrey preaches.


How someone who claims to be a Christian can listen

to such drivel day after day is beyond me.

Not only do 'many' Christians (so called) listen to such

utter nonsense but they hang on every word like it

was coming straight from the mouth of God.

Even more amazing is the fact that they see absolutely

'nothing' wrong in doing so.


MANY have listened so long to the lullaby of the world

until they can no longer even distinguish between what is

Godly, and what is Un-Godly, between what is Good, and what is Evil. Confusion reigns supreme in Jesus' CHURCH, and sadly to say,

MANY have 'chosen' to believe that a long spiritual nap

is just what Jesus ordered.

Guess what?


Jesus said, 'WATCH' and 'PRAY'.

By in large the CHURCH does.

The largest percentage of BELIEVERS

(so claiming at least) do WATCH and PRAY,

but the real question is

'what' are they watching and 'what'

are they praying for?

To far too MANY, or so it seems,

God has become nothing more

that some kind of 'beck and call god'

who is called upon only in times of extreme

emergency, or an overpowering attack of lust.

I want”, “I want”, “I WANT”.


The good seed that Jesus sowed is the Word of

the Living God. The enemy comes immediately to

dig it back up. He does this by creating doubts that

Jesus did not really mean what he said. He does

not need to do this personally because he has

many, Many, MANY children who are only 'too

happy' to do 'THEIR' father's bidding.

These are called TARES.

Beware, tho their teeth may be pearly white

and they have enough makeup on to paint

a battleship, and tho they speak in a voice

so sweet that it sounds like sugar would NOT

melt in their mouths,

we need to awaken and realize that their

words are every bit as poisonous as any

venomous serpent.


Jesus meant exactly what he said and ALL who

say otherwise are nothing less than liars

and not only are they NOT to be believed,

BUT, not to be listened too either.

In today's high tech world of computers I can think

of no better analogy than, GARBAGE in GARBAGE out.

How very 'subtle' are both the voice of

our enemy Satan and the voices of multitudes of those

who are, in reality, Satan's children, NOT God's.

The CHURCH of Jesus Christ has become

so intoxicated

on the spirit of this world

because that's the only thing they

feed continually into their spirits.

So MANY Christians (so called at least) have put so many things

ahead of Jesus that he hardly even rates a

passing thought.

Todays 'slumbering Church' has created

so many false God's

and placed them all above the very God

who created and loves them.

The inevitable result is

that they now look, act, talk

and LIVE exactly like the WORLD.


Stop listening to every voice that loves

to pipe while you dance.

They are nothing more than the tares

that Satan has sown among us.

Learn to look, listen and realize

what is happening.

Exactly as Jesus predicted and warned of in Rev. 2: 4 ,

MANY have left their FIRST LOVE.

Drawn away by their own lust.

I'm speaking here of the MANY

who first heard the gospel of Jesus Christ

and fell head over heels in love

with this man.

This man who gave his

very life in exchange for theirs.

Where does this same Jesus rate in their life today? Where indeed? That is the SIXTY-FOUR dollar question that every person

must answer for his or her self.


I am not for sure and for certain

of exactly how many times the CHURCH

has been warned to WATCH and PRAY

in God's Word. My first thought would be


By in large the CHURCH does.

They do WATCH and they do PRAY.

They WATCH Oprah like she was some oracle

sent by God and they 'do' PRAY.

They mostly PRAY for more, More,

and MORE. Dear God, give me more STUFF.

They worship before a electronic beast

which spews forth and glorifies sin continually. All the while they do so,

their spirits are being fed

on vanity and greed.

Get what you deserve.”

Live the good life.”

You deserve a break today”.

If you believe only one thing written in this article,


The last thing you want to GET,

is 'what you deserve'.

We are barraged 24/7 with the lust of the flesh,

the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

There are 24 hours in a day.

Fourteen Hundred and forty minutes.

How many of those minutes do you reserve

for the 'ONLY' ONE who was willing to die

for YOUR sins?

Let's say you need 8 hours sleep, 8 hours for work

and 2 hours for preparing and eating meals.

That would total 18 hours and leave you 6 hours

for endeavors of your choosing.

What part of those 6 hours

do you give to Jesus?

That 6 hours equals 360 minutes.

Does Jesus rate even one TENTH of that?

Thirty-six minutes a day?

What have YOU chosen

to do with your leisure time?

Let's say you might be a 'dedicated' Oprah lover.

HEY! Oprah is not about to die for YOU!

She will however joyfully LIE to you.

She will continually dig up the good seed that

was planted in you.

Listen to her version of the gospel !

God would NEVER send anyone to Hell

just because they

didn't believe in Jesus

because God is Love!”

Well, La -Te- Da!

So He IS.

News flash Church!

God is not SENDING anyone to


He never has !

Now get this straight Church.

All of mankind was doomed to Hell

long before God ever sent Jesus.

God in his mercy knew we could 'Never' become sinless

and perfect enough to inherit his Kingdom,

to live in his presence, BUT,

'because of' his great LOVE and MERCY

He made for us

a way out.

That way was Jesus, it always HAS been

and always WILL be.

All who come preaching anything contrary

to this has simply come preaching

another gospel.

Galatians 1: 8 – 9 Says very plainly,

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that

which we have preached unto you,

let him be accursed.” Verse 9 - “As we

said before, so say I now again,

if any man (person) preach any OTHER

gospel unto you, than that you have

received, let him be accursed.”

Ever person now has two choices.

You either have to choose to believe

that these two scriptures are God's Word,

or whether the gospel according to Oprah

is the TRUE gospel.

Am I condemning Oprah Winfrey.

No way JOSE !

Am 'I' condemning the false gospel

she preaches?

You'd better believe it ! But not I really

because all false gospels are already

condemned by God. You just read what

he said. I can only agree with him.

You need to realize that God is the Creator of all things,


God can NOT lie and Oprah just did.

God alone is The Creator of ALL things

and that includes Us.

He ALONE has the right to decide what

is required for Salvation.

News flash!

God is GOD!

Oprah is NOT, NOT, NOT!

Our God made only ONE

way for us, NOT Oprah.

He gave you and me a choice.

You can choose to believe the God who made us,

the God who paid our price for us,


you can choose

to believe some self-glorifying BIMBO

whose every 'good deed' is done only for the purpose

of being seen by men,

which in turn,

is only 'her way' of becoming

even richer in this world's goods.


You stand to loose a whole lot more that just

the hundred or so pounds Oprah has lost over and

over and over.

She would be much better served

trying to figure where it all went

and how it keeps coming back.

AND, from where.

No one should be preaching a gospel

they do NOT understand nor believe.

Perhaps there was a day when you 'knew'

that God and

'HE alone' was God.

You have fed you mind and spirit with so much

drivel until you're no longer certain

that Jesus is even real?

Certainly not sure enough to give up

your life of ease and pleasure.


I really intended to spend time with Jesus Sunday

BUT, the Super Bowl was on.”

Oh really! What about Monday?

Uh, Uh, well I got home late from work and had to watch

all my favorite soaps that I taped on Tivo!

Perhaps on Tuesday you weren't feeling all that well so you just

decided to kick back until you felt better!

Hey, another news flash.

You ain't fixing to get better

so you might as well

call one of your other 'little gods' (your doctor),


beg him for some more anti-depressants.

You can rest assured that you 'ARE'

going to need them.

Until you learn that people were never intended

to be made into ' little gods' and return to

the ONE and ONLY God there is,

you are on the BROAD WAY which leads

only to destruction.

Men and women were NEVER intended to be 'gods'.

Can you dig down deep enough into your memory

to recall that this same vain desire

was the downfall for a certain

creation of God.

Can you remember God's

promised destiny for him?

Humans can NOT handle being worshiped and

and just having that desire to BE worshiped

will ultimately lead to your destruction.

It does not matter if that someone is the world's

greatest golfer, ball player, movie star or

T.V. Icon.


It's time to get honest. Learn to listen to the

words that come from your own mouths.

Jesus said it best when he spoke the words

Out of the abundance of the heart, the

mouth speaketh.”

It matters not whether it's a person, a thing, or whatever.

Your false god can be anything you give your time,

your life and your every waking thought to.


You aren't any more likely to have time for Jesus

tomorrow than you did today.

Stop lying to yourself.

The darkest days 'ever known to mankind'

are upon us and things WILL get much worse before

they get better.

This is NOT the day or the season

for putting aside Jesus.

If you can find a reason for doing that today, you

will most assuredly find another reason tomorrow.


Not only have you fallen asleep

but you're as much to blame

for that happening

as are the deceivers who deceive.

Another new flash!

Church is not some place you go to on Sundays

or perhaps only on Easter.

The CHURCH is you.

Every voice you CHOOSE to listen

too, will determine what you end up believing.

You dozed peacefully while they sang

you their lullabys

Your spirit has grown so dull of hearing

that you can NO longer discern

between Good and EVIL.

Would you like to know why?

The answer is simple.

You loved having it so,


Because it was the 'EASY' way.

It was the EASY way and it was exactly

what your flesh 'wanted' to hear.


Every one who comes within your hearing was not

sent by God.

Beware of anyone and everyone

who comes talking about Jesus

like he was real but then turns

around and plants doubts about

anything Jesus said.

Had you 'made time' to stay in God's Word,

you would have known that.

Yes, Yes, I know. You would have if only

there weren't

so many important things to do.

Answer me a question!

A hundred years from now, will you even be able

to remember what you watched on Oprah today?

I don't think so!

In a hundred years will you even remember

who won the Super Bowl this year?

How about who was the champion ten years ago?

Allow me to let you in on a little secret.

In a hundred years from now

the ONLY thing that 'WILL MATTER” is

whether or not you had time for Jesus today.

Today's gospel is “I WANT, I WANT, I WANT


Translated into the most simple of terms

it means, “I WANT ME FIRST.”

The message of this article is simple. It is plainly

written and in easy to understand words.

It does NOT matter one iota what some smooth

talking clown or 'clown-ess' has told you about anything.

The Truth-twisters you choose to believe today

can NOT determine your eternal destiny


to let them.

These little 'gods and goddesses'

will not even be able to save themselves much

less anyone else.

All of your idols that you now so willingly worship

will NOT be able to save you.

There is only ONE who can.

His name is JESUS and

his message today is also simple.

Listen carefully and you will 'never' again

be able to say you were not


This is Jesus' message to ALL those

who call themselves by his name.

You can 'NOT' be a Christian if you believe

it's okay with God for you to murder unborn babies.

You can NOT be a Christian if you 'justify'

those who do.

You can NOT be a Christian

if you LIE, Cheat and Steal

just to satisfy your own lusts.

You are only 'self deceived' and it will NOT

matter who your deceivers were.

The deceivers will pay for 'their' own sins

and YOU will pay for 'yours'.

Jesus gave up everything he had to

give you the right to choose

where and with whom,

you wanted to spend YOUR eternity.

What will YOUR choice be?

Will you choose to be a

child in God's Kingdom,

OR, a child of the wicked one?

Will you cling and hold fast to the 'WORDS OF LIFE'

that God sent HIS Son to speak?


will you continue to worship some clown

who's 'only love' is for themselves.

Jesus is 'calling' HIS CHURCH to repentance

and back to trusting in Him.

Jesus 'ONLY' can give us the strength

to live a Godly life.


It is entirely possible that this short little article

will be the 'LAST CALL' you'll ever get.

Many have went to bed and never again awakened in this world.

It is highly unlikely that when they fell asleep

that they were expecting that.

The tares 'will be' GATHERED and burned and it

will make absolutely NO difference

whether you believe that or not.

Jesus is the TRUTH and He does NOT


Men (and women) can and 'very often' DO.

You 'WILL' spend eternity with the God of

your own choosing.

If that god turns out to be some man,

some woman, or some thing

please at least be honest about it.

Don't blame God should you end up

in Hell.

The only ones who will spend eternity

there will be the ones

who chose other things over seeking God.

This short little message you just read here

can only end in one conclusion.

I end this short writing with two

questions and a statement.

Do you really believe you can have

NO TIME for Jesus in this life and then inherit eternal


Do you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY believe that?

I DON'T believe that for one moment


My advice to the Church is simple.


THE SLUMBERING CHURCH pdf (click to download file)


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