When your
phone rings and it's God calling, do you check your caller ID and pray that
God will
hang up?
Have you
ever considered that it just might be important
and that
perhaps He has something you need to know?
Does your
reluctance to answer hinge on the fact
that He might
ask something of you?
OR –
is it just the simple fact , that you have become
so busy with
'YOUR' life, that you can barely hear it ring anymore?
This very
short article is simply a warning from God
that you
can NOT continue to remain 'TOO BUSY' for HIM
because if
you do, the day WILL COME, that you'll need HIM
and He will not have time for you.
Many deceptions
have become accepted today in
the 'church
, at least 'so called' , and we need always remember
that He is
a busy God, a GREAT God, and that He loved you so much that he gave His ONLY Son 'for you'. He is also a most patient and
loving God but you need to believe and accept the truth, HIS TRUTH, which is found written in His Word.
His Word
is forever, His Word is unchangeable, and it's not God who needs to change. It's us!
This article
contains only ONE scripture.
It is found
11: 14 - “Therefore pray NOT for these people,
neither lift
up a cry or prayer for 'THEM : for I will
THEM in the time that they cry unto me
for their
MANY so called
Christians alive today have been
into believing that they can go thru
the motions
of reciting John 3: 16 like it was some
magical incantation
and then just go ahead and live
their lives
as though God had NO PART in it.
FOR GOD' ? He has promised that the day
when He'll be 'too busy' to hear your cry.
With each
day that passes by we are that much closer
to the 'LAST'
day. There is a term used in God's Word
known as
the Last Days. Consider that if this is true,
'and it is'
, that eventually there has to be 'a last day'
of the 'LAST
DAYS' . It makes no difference that we are
told that
“ no man knows the day or the hour.”
All 'believers'
need to believe that. All who believe
that it's
the 'norm' to have NO TIME FOR GOD, and that He'll
are in for a rude awakening. ALL who have
chosen to
believe and live by the deceptions of men,
rather than
what God has said in his WORD, will find out 'TOO LATE' that God is not taking your calls anymore
I recommend
to all who call themselves by His name,
to make time
for God in your lives. Place God first in
your life
. Seek Him early while He may yet be found.
Listen for
and learn to recognize His voice. Your life
in God was
never intended to be put on hold while
you live
your life believing that you'll have time to
after the end comes. After that day does
finally come,
you will pick up only to learn that the
party on
the other end has hung up. Too late you
will learn
that 'THESE WORDS' which you've just
read are
true. If you've not yet reached that point
where your
phone is no longer ringing and it's God
who's calling,
then my suggestion is that you make
time for
Him before it's TOO LATE. No man can KNOW when that phone will ring for the LAST TIME. There is a
for everything. So also it is with God reaching
out to you.
The very next time could well be the
. So take the time and make the time to
answer. It
may well be that it's God who's calling, and it may well
be , that
this is for the LAST TIME.
AMEN and