have learned by experience that when writing or even just talking about God's Word, it is often most difficult to find a stopping
place. This due for the most part because almost every scripture is tied to many others. I have reached the
conclusion there is 'no stopping place' when it comes to GOD'S WORD.
Time and space permitting, I will
endeavor to always keep coming back to the main subject. As the title of this writing indicates, the
central theme is the Adding too and/or the Taking away from God's Word as written, as well as God's
opinion of those who do these very things.
Most of the subjects contained in this
article will NOT be very pleasing to 'the flesh'. Keep always in mind that God did NOT send us his Word to please
our 'flesh' however, but to show us HOW we can 'OVERCOME' our flesh.
Every time I hear God's Word either added
too or taken away from, I find it wise to first try and understand Satan's methods, purpose, and motives.
You need to understand that whether being
added too or taken away from, the motive and purpose will always remain the same. The
method will only be changed slightly. Satan is like a master artist when it comes to teaching men to do these things.
The variations are almost endless. Take away a little here, add a little there and sometimes even eliminating
entire scriptures which would contradict the lies which they are trying to convince you to believe. These
practices are in exact opposition to God's Word which commands all believers to "Rightly divide the
I know of no believer who, at one time
or the other, hasn't believed something or another which they later found to be untrue. Those who commit the very
things mentioned in this article's title may do so because of being deceived and some even do so intentionally.
It is the latter group of which this article is primarily directed. The important difference is whether or not
they will receive correction 'from God' or whether they will choose NOT to. God has corrected me on more than one occasion
with the simple reminder that there has only ever been ONE PERFECT MAN. That man's name is JESUS.
Irregardless of any person's motive for
teaching something that is untrue, you need to understand that believing any lie concerning God's Word will ALWAYS
and can ONLY lead to hurt and destruction .
Let's start with God's opinion concerning
those who change His Word by 'adding too or taking away from'. One is equally as dangerous as the other. There
is no difference. Revelations 22:19 - "If any man (or woman) for that matter, 'takes away' from the words of
this book of this prophecy, God SHALL TAKE AWAY (their) part from the tree of LIFE, and from the things written in this book."
Back up only one verse and in that verse we read "If any man (person) shall 'add too' these things, God SHALL 'add
too' him (them) the plagues that are written in this book." I can not read either of these verses without realizing
just how wonderfully fair and just God is. Both of the two above quoted verses are but the fulfillment of Jesus' words
found in John 12: 48 - "the word that I have spoken, the same (word) shall judge him (or her)
in the 'last day'." If you refuse to allow yourself to be fooled by words that should be in RED but aren't
- you will know that it was Jesus himself who spoke the words found in verses 18 and 19 of chapter
22. Here you have an excellent example of how one verse can quickly send you to another in order to
fully understand the verse you are studying. One moment you are in Revelations chapter 22 and the next,
the Spirit of God will direct you back to John chapter 12 for understanding. Let me say that those who
hear NOT God's Spirit will never make the connection. The inclusion of the word 'woman' and anything found in parenthesis
are only for the purpose of helping the reader's understanding. The NLT version of the Bible uses 'non-gender'
specific words like everyone, anyone, and 'that person' for the same reason. This in no way is included in God's promise
to those who 'add too'. I know of no other or any nicer way to say this, except to say - 'most people of our generation
do NOT read very well'. This also is Satan's doing and if you have trouble believing that, just look at our
schools of today. Recall the three R's of older generations. In past times those who did manage to make it thru
school could write, read, and add. It benefits Satan's purposes well that many today can read but have little or no
comprehension of what they have just read. A computer of our days can actually read written words but can NOT comprehend.
Let's first begin with an excellent example
of 'adding too'. Revelations 4:1 - "After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the
first voice I heard was as if it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither
and I will show you things which must be hereafter." MANY have taken it unto themselves to
'add too' the words of this verse "after the churches are gone". Now what exactly was it that we just learned in REV.
22:18 was God's promised reward for those who 'add too'? Should you have forgotten already, simply
go back and re-read verse 18 again. Those are God's Words - NOT MINE! THE TRUTH of this matter is
as follows. It was Jesus speaking to John, AND John only. John is the ONLY ONE who heard these
words. How can we KNOW this from the Word? Had Jesus been speaking to anyone other than John, then the entire
Body of Christ in the earth at that time would have gone up also. They did not. John said very plainly in verse
1 "WHICH I HEARD" - Only John heard and ONLY John was 'caught up'.
Why would the 'Adding too' crowd go to this trouble?
The answer is both simple and very obvious. This is 'their proof' that the 'church' is no longer on earth after
chapter 4 and they use this as their 'evidence' that this is, The Time of the 'Rapture'. Right about now would
be a good time for you to wonder just exactly who it is, mentioned in Revelations 13: 7
that the beast will make war with for 3 and 1/2 years. The Word of God says 'with the saints'.
Who are these saints? Does this speak of Jews who have for centuries rejected Jesus as Messiah? That's the problem
with Lies. One good lie requires another and then another and another. The 'adding too' bunch had to come up with
some explanation, so they concluded and now teach, "oh, these are those who are saved after the RAPTURE."
Where is that 'written'? Save your time - it's not. Just another example on building a doctrine by placing one
lie on top of another. A clue to the Wise; building anything on a foundation of lies is foolish, to say the least.
Jesus is the 'SURE FOUNDATION' and God's Word teaches us that he (Jesus) is the TRUTH. God has NEVER commanded or even
recommended to anyone that they consult with their flesh to gain understanding of His Word.
Hello! Your flesh will ALWAYS tell you only 'what (your flesh) WANTS TO HEAR. That is exactly
the case with these 'Word Adders'. How strange it seems now to see the word 'adders' appear. Adders are a
type of poisonous serpent. Is it possible that God just pointed out the these 'word adders' are indeed like poisonous
serpents? They were NOT sent by God because they mean you ONLY harm and NEVER your good. Could
you possibly believe that sometimes a rattlesnake might bite you for you own good?
In James chapter 1 and verse 5
- God says very plainly that "if any of you lack wisdom, let him (or her) ask of God, that (who) giveth to all
men (or women) liberally, and upbraideth not; and it (WISDOM) SHALL BE given unto him (or her)."
Did you read anything in that verse which tells you to believe ANYTHING because it is the MAJORITY opinion? I don't
think you did. One of the worst mistakes people can make is to believe that just because 'the majority' of some group
believe something to be true, that makes it TRUE. What a mistake it is to believe that if ENOUGH people believe
something, anything, that somehow it MUST be true. What did Jesus say about that? Matthew 7: 13-14 - "Enter
in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and BROAD is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which
go in thereat: Because straight is the gate and NARROW is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there
be that find it." Now who will you choose to believe? Jesus just said that the MANY are
headed for destruction. Does that not contradict the notion that SO MANY can't be wrong? I think it's very plain
but what you choose to believe is your choice not mine. God won't make that choice for you and no man can. I did
not say they (men) would not try. MANY do and always will. Just understand that that choice is and forever will
be yours and yours alone. That's exactly why Jesus gave his life for you. To make it possible for YOU to choose.
Before Calvary mankind had no choice. You lived, you died, and when you died, you belonged to Satan. Before Jesus
paid our price, the destiny of all mankind was pre-determined. No choice and NO WAY OUT. Only Death and Hell waited for
all mankind. Sounds pretty bleak, huh? Well it was. The reality was then that you only had one life to live
so you might as well grab for all the gusto (sin - pleasure) you could. Mankind did. Now who should you choose
to believe? Let me see. There's only one who loved you enough to die for you so maybe it's just possible to put all
your trust in him. His name is Jesus. God has already told us in His Word that His WORD is
FOREVER settled in heaven. It can NOT be changed or altered in any way. Then, along come the MANY
'Word Changers' doing all within their power to try and get YOU to put your trust, not in Jesus, but in them. Hello,
it was NOT the MANY who died for me - it was THE ONE. Back to the subject at hand. Would a 'word changer' even
think about or consider dying for someone, anyone? Highly unlikely because they serve not Jesus but their own BELLIES.
Your life, your eternity, YOUR choice.
Another popular method of adding too or
taking away from God's Word is to simply change the meaning of common simple words that always have one meaning and one meaning
only. I'm not speaking here of complex words, the meaning of which can vary according to context. I speak of simple
words which always, and can only, have one meaning. Some examples are the words like MANY, FEW, FIRST,
LAST, and ALL. Take for example the word MANY. God's definition of this word MANY always, Always, ALWAYS,
means the largest portion or part. It never, Never, NEVER means only a FEW. Likewise the word FEW can never,
Never, NEVER mean 'the largest part or portion'. The very simple meaning of the word FIRST always means the first one of
it's kind, and also, that there was never, Never, NEVER one of it's kind before. In like fashion, the word
LAST always means there will NOT ever be another one of it's kind. The word LAST as used in the verse that speaks
of the LAST trump of God, means there will NOT ever be another of it's kind. The
Truth twisters, and the word changers would have you to believe that something which happens at 'THE LAST TRUMP'
(for example- the Resurrection and Rapture) will occur 7 or more years before the ONLY LAST TRUMP spoken of by God.
News flash for the P.H.D.'s and doctors of theology - when God says anything is the LAST of something, it
means there will NEVER be another. Always keep in mind who it was that originated the idea of changing
what God said. Remember in the original temptation how Satan said to Eve "hath God said" (this to see if she even
knew what God said) and then proceeded to state that "surely you shall not die" - ( planting doubt or that
maybe she had misunderstood) and then 'THE CROWNING TOUCH' - Satan came up with the suggestion that God had some ulterior
motive, that being that God knew in the day you eat thereof your eyes shall be opened, and you shall
be as gods knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:5. Exactly as those who 'add
too' and 'take away' from today, his entire motive then was to get EVE to believe what he said, rather
than to believe what God had already said. There is no difference between then and now. Believe what God said,
and you'll live - reject God's Word by choosing to believe it is NOT True, and you WILL STILL SURELY DIE. There
is truly, nothing new under the sun.
You need always remember that although
MANY seek to change God's Word into a flesh pleasing LIE, it can NOT be done. I did not say that MANY won't try.
I only mention this so you realize Who's Word will stand forever. Everything and ALL things which God said will
happen - WILL HAPPEN - and WHEN and HOW also. How realistic are the movies about the tribulation and the anti-christ?
Usually someone is seeking to kill or stop the 'anti-christ' when God has already said exactly what he ( the anti-christ
) will do and just exactly how close he will come to achieving his evil plan. Oh well, that's movies
for you. Here we are talking about the REAL THING. God's Word is the REAL THING and it will NEVER be
changed nor can it be.
Satan's battle plan is simple.
For those who've Never heard the gospel - keep them from hearing it. Satan's plan for all those who have heard
and received THE TRUTH (the gospel) he simply sows doubt, lies, and his spirit of unbelief in hopes of causing as
many as he can to depart 'FROM THE FAITH'. Working thru and by deceived men and women who have chosen
to believe lies rather than THE TRUTH, he commands his children ( tares ) to follow his lead.
Let us examine the TRUTH that tells us
that the Last Few years on this earth will be literally 'hell on earth'. How likely is it that anyone's
flesh would love hearing that lovely bit of news? The Truth plainly says that many saints will be required to
love God enough to literally 'lay down their very lives. How many? I can tell you from the Word, a multitude, a multitude.
Why would a christian choose to hear and believe a lie rather than the TRUTH? One reason is that
they are motivated not by God's Spirit of Love but by Satan's spirit of FEAR. Should you ever find yourself in the position
of having to choose between denying Jesus or losing you life - which would you choose?
Understanding a deceivers methods and motives
are your best hope of defending against them. In summary of all this, let's just say it all again in
one big long sentence - Deceivers will seek to 'take away' from the TRUTH, they will seek to 'add
too' the TRUTH, they will attempt to change the meaning of words which always have only one meaning , they
will seek to eliminate entire scriptures by saying that these scriptures no longer apply to christians, and they will
seek to do away with entire passages by saying they only apply to the nation of Israel. The MANY Jesus
warns us of will even go as far as establishing their 'own rules' which they apply only in places where they seem
to prove their point, but not where they would seem to contradict the lie they want you to BUY. How very convenient
for these Truth Twisters. Not only do they make their own rules, but also get to decide when those rules
do apply and when they don't, and to whom they apply and to whom they don't.
Why would you think that tens of millions
of books have been sold teaching this 'GREAT ESCAPE' (the man-made theory of the rapture taking place at least 7
years prior to the great tribulation) and why have they been so EAGERELY accepted? Write one titled 'You
may be required by God to lay down your life', and see how many copies you'll sell. Not many I'm thinking.
Any man or woman can come to
you saying that 'Jesus is Lord' which he certainly is, but, does that mean that this same Jesus is that man's or woman's Lord.
It just as certainly does NOT. In many cases that's just their way of getting in your door. They may even
come saying that God sent them to give you new understanding and revelations from Him. Does this guarantee that
they were indeed sent by God? Would you expect a deceiver to come saying, " I am a deceiver and I've
come to deceive you." I don't think so!
There are many tale-tale signs of
whether someone has or has not, really been sent by God. One is that the deceivers will
always seek to profit by your believing in both them and their words. They will seek to turn that which God gave them
into merchandise. Can you find anywhere in God's Word where Jesus scheduled a meeting and then charged admission or
a registration fee? I know you will find MANY who do so today. Had Jesus done likewise only
the rich would have gotten to hear the 'sermon on the mount'. I myself have seen tickets on sale on the Internet for
as high as $150.00 for one up front seat to hear and see one of today's PROFITS. And no that word is not misspelled,
because that is exactly what they are. That's really sad and it's even sadder that most christians of our day aren't
even able to recognize this evil. It is not necessary to call any names. Check out some of the big name preachers
of today and see it for yourself.
When you hear any man ( or woman ) say
that God can't get the job done without Money, Jets, Satellites, etc. etc. , you can be CERTAIN that God did NOT send that
person. God has never sent anyone anywhere to tell you what He can't do. He sent Jesus to tell you what He
CAN DO. When you hear any preacher promising you a share of their reward if you'll only supply them, you might
wish to reconsider that you may Not wish to share in 'their' reward. Should you find out someone is a
'word changer' I'm fairly certain you wouldn't like the reward for that. Remember we started out in Revelations
22 and the rewards for those who do this very thing is NOT something to be desired.
As stated before, no-one likes to think
about suffering or even dying for anything, well guess what - Jesus wasn't too thrilled about Calvary but he went anyway.
It is God and God alone who determines how things are GOING to be and no word-changer can alter that. Get use to believing
that, as it is exactly how things are going to be. Should God show you plainly that someone, anyone, is
one of those written about in this study, then do like Jesus said, " get away from them, go not
after them." Should anyone support those who seek to change what God has already said? I do
NOT THINK SO. What you think brings us right back to YOUR CHOICE - YOUR DECISION. My advice to everyone is the
same. Compare everything you hear and see to those things that you already KNOW God
has already spoken and then, stick with God. This is our prayer for you and I'm equally as certain
that is God's will for you also. "Let him who hath an ear, hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches"