Matthew 21:12-13
- "And Jesus went into the temple of God and 'CAST OUT' all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the
tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves, and said unto them, MY HOUSE shall be called 'the house
of prayer; but you (moneychangers) have made it into a den of thieves."
Now when most christians today read
this scripture and may well think to themselves - "Good for you Jesus" you sure showed them what you thought about that!!!
Should you find yourself asking whether
or not this scripture has any application to 'THE CHURCH' of today - your very next thought may well be 'well that temple
has been torn down so it would be impossible in our day. It will prove helpful if you consider that he also refers to the
temple of that day, as MY HOUSE. Right about now would be an excellent time for another
Word from God. Hebrews 3:6 "But Christ as a son over his own house; WHOSE HOUSE ARE WE". (PARTIAL)
1st Cor. 3:16 "Know you not that 'YOU' ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you"?
If we are to take the 2 previous scriptures literally (and I do) could it still be possible that there would still be
moneychangers in THE CHURCH in the earth today and that they are still committing these same abominations in HIS HOUSE?
(Whose house we are)
In Acts 8:20 we read - "But
Peter said unto him (Simon an ex-sorcerer) Thy money perish with thee, because thou has thought that the gift of God may be
purchased with MONEY." Now it is true that this scripture speaks specifically of the gift of the Holy Spirit,
but ALL would do well to ask themselves the question - 'what has any man (person - and this includes females) EVER received
from God that was not a gift?' Does the word 'gift' not mean FREE - and if it does - then how much does that gift
cost? Satan can not comprehend the meaning of the word 'gift' and apparently neither can a MONEYCHANGER.
Ask and answer for yourself the following
questions. When God sent his Word into the earth, was there a price on it, or was it also a 'FREE GIFT'? When
in the fullness of time and God sent Jesus into the earth, what was the cost necessary to receive him? On the day of
Pentecost what was the price of admission into that upper room? When Jesus made the blind to see, the deaf to
hear, and the lame to walk, how much did he charge? I pray you know the correct answer to all those questions.
In Matthew Chapter 10:5-10 when Jesus sent out the 12 to do these same works, how much money
did he instruct them to take? How much did he tell those same disciples to charge for the mighty works they would do
in his name? Again I trust you know the right answer. Quite to the contrary, did he not say, "freely you
have received, FREELY give." There's that word 'GIVE' that apparently neither Satan nor his disciples understand.
This is your most certain way of distinguishing between someone God sends and those sent by another 'god'.
Should you still have any doubts
that there are STILL MONEYCHANGERS in the CHURCH today, just turn on your TV and it will NOT take long to find one.
I should have said "you'll find MANY". Need a blessing from God? Send money! Need healing from God? Sow your seed here!
Need a better job? Send money! Need a loved one to be saved? Send MONEY! Need to learn more about
God? Send money! If you still can't see the tale-tale signs of THE MONEYCHANGERS - that they still prowl the earth
today - if you hear these words as condemnation - you may do well to consider the following scriptures. 2nd Peter
2:1-3 - "But (just as) there were false prophets also among the people, EVEN AS there shall be - shall be - SHALL BE - (not
might be) false teachers among you, who privily SHALL BRING in damnable heresies, ( and in so doing) even denying the Lord
that bought (purchased) them ( not with money but with blood) and (in so doing) bring upon themselves swift
destruction." "MANY will follow their EVIL teachings and shameful immorality." (words
in parenthesis for emphasis) - Because of them, Christ and his TRUE WAY will be slandered. In their GREED they
will make up clever lies to get hold of YOUR MONEY. Those two words 'clever lies' are just another way of saying what
God's Word calls doctrines of devils. The term 'DOCTRINES OF DEVILS' will always refer to God's Word
(THE TRUTH) twisted or perverted into a lie. To believe and recieve God's Word always
brings LIFE, the believing and receiving of 'A DOCTRINE OF DEVILS' will always bring hurt,
destruction, and DEATH. You need always remember that those 'CLEVER LIES' are always
presented on the platform of being God's Word when in reality nothing could be further from THE TRUTH.
During my lifetime, I have often
heard people 'of the world' make the statement, "you can take the bible and make it say anything you want it to say."
That use to make me so angry but after many years of observation I can NOW see much truth in those words. How strange
it seems that people without God, who do not even KNOW God, can often see so much BETTER than most christians.
Those referred to in this article
as MONEYCHANGERS, as it turns out, are the very same ones called by other names such as, FALSE PROPHETS,
FALSE TEACHERS, and also the simple term, MANY. You need to understand that
these different names are describing the very same group of people.
The answer to the question of WHY
these (people) commit these things which God considers to be abominations can be found in Romans 16:18 - this verse
not only tells the WHY but also identifies their intended victims. "For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus
Christ, but their OWN BELLY; and by good (smooth) words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
This term 'the simple' is not referring to those of diminished mental capacity, but rather those who are simple concerning
'EVIL' because they would never dream of deceiving anyone. These God refers to as 'the simple' make the mistake of believing
that everyone's hearts are PURE. It would indeed be wonderful if that were so but God has already warned us that that
is (sad to say) not the case. If all men's hearts were PURE it would have been unnecessary for these warnings.
You may rest assured that if Jesus
said that these MONEYCHANGERS did and would exist, that they most assuredly do. That possibility should no
longer be in question but should be taken for the WARNING it was intended to be. BEWARE of these moneychangers and
become NOT a partaker of their evil deeds.
The most important ingredient in
their making these 'CLEVER LIES' acceptable to those who LOVE GOD, is to quote both chapter and verse thus confirming
that these are indeed God's Words. One of the best examples I can think of is their attempt to prove that Jesus was
a rich man during his earthly ministry. If Jesus owned many fine homes, then surely he would want believers to have
the same. Their proof of this is not only based on men's assumptions but also makes it necessary to explain away other scriptures
which would seem to prove otherwise. Case in point - Matthew 8:20 - Jesus himself said - "The foxes have holes,
and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man (speaking of himself) hath NOT, NOT, NOT, where
to lay his head." Now if that means he owned many, Many, MANY fine homes - I CANNOT SEE HOW
- can you??? Let me see - Who should I believe? The very one who gave his life for me - or - those who are seeking
to devour me for the purpose of their OWN BELLIES? Do what you choose - I myself have chosen to TRUST and BELIEVE the
ONLY ONE who is able to save me. For some strange reason I don't feel led to believe a MONEYCHANGER could do that.
What do YOU choose to believe? Your choice - your decision. No man can make that decision for you.
In Luke 18:18-23
we find the story of a VERY RICH young ruler and he was told by Jesus to sell all that he had, and GIVE to the poor.
There's that word 'GIVE' again. Again some more questions - Why did Jesus not tell him to sell ALL that he had
and give the proceeds for the 'preaching of the gospel'? Why did Jesus NOT say - "take all these proceeds and
give it at the 'temple'?" Why did Jesus NOT say "give it to my disciples so that they may live in the lap
of luxury and dress in FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLAR SUITS in a manner befitting my prophets?" Why indeed! I do
know what HE DID SAY. He did say "give it to the poor".
In John 12:6
- (speaking of Judas) "This said he (Judas) not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the
bag, and bare what was put therein." The
MONEYCHANGERS would have you to believe that Jesus had bags and bags of money. If this were
true, why then did Jesus have Peter get their tax money from the mouth of a fish instead of just taking it out of one of their
MANY bags of money? The MONEYCHANGERS would have you believe that it is ALWAYS God's will for all believers
to be RICH in this world's wealth. Does this seems strange then that God, by his Spirit, had Paul to write in 1st
Timothy 6:8 "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."
Shortly after the day of Pentecost,
in Acts 3:1-6 we read the story of a lame man who ask an alm of Peter - and in verse 6 Peter's
reply was - "Silver and Gold have I NONE;" (partial) - this leaves us with 2 choices
- 1 - either Peter lied, - or - 2 - Peter and Jesus' other disciples had gone broke since the crucifixion of Jesus.
Again, only you can decide for yourself which or what is THE TRUTH.
In Matthew 10:9 when
Jesus sent out the twelve he gave them instructions to 'take neither gold, nor silver, nor brass (coins) in
your purses.' Apparently, Jesus did not KNOW, as is so widely quoted today, "that the gospel can
NOT be preached without money."
You will NEVER hear a MONEYCHANGER saying
that you CAN go into all the world and preach the gospel without money. I said NEVER!!!! You
will never hear a TRUE prophet of God say that God is unable to do anything without ANYTHING. In Luke 10:1-4
Jesus sent out another 70 with the same instructions. So much for the MONEYCHANGERS' theory. I might
as well just go on and say it. MONEYCHANGERS, as described in this article, ARE prophets of a sort - but it is
spelled 'PROFITS'.
The MONEYCHANGERS of today will be
none to happy at these words. The MONEYCHANGERS of Jesus' day were also not happy when he overturned their tables and
drove them out of the temple.
I can promise you one thing here.
'All' things equal out in time and in this case it will be no different.
Just as Jesus cleansed 'the temple'
in the days of his earthly ministry - so will he also do in our days. The MONEYCHANGERS back then did NOT offer
their services out of a LOVE for God but for GAIN and PROFIT. All those who do this very same thing today, are in every
way as much MONEYCHANGERS as they were in those days - there is no difference. God's Word never changes. The same
things he hated then He still hates. JESUS drove them out then and He will drive them out again.
God's temples today are the hearts
of those who LOVE HIM.
The sacrifice God requires today
is our obedience out of our LOVE for him - He never intended that believers pay someone else to perform their obedience
to God in exchange for money. 1st Peter 4:17 warns that judgment will come
and when it begins, it WILL begin at the house of God. The MONEYCHANGERS spoken
of in this article will be among the very FIRST to receive their just rewards.
Pray that the Spirit of God will
always warn and protect you from being deceived by any and all lies regardless of how 'cleverly they have been disguised'.
Our prayer for all who read the words
written here is simply that God can and will make you able to discern between the REAL and the Counterfeit
- between a PROPHET and a PROFIT.
May God by his Spirit lead and guide
you into ALL the TRUTH. God bless all who "who hear what the Spirit says to the churches".
AMEN and God Bless all who love him
in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.