A story of a blind man
So very long ago
He heard a great commotion
Heard men saying
Come let's go
For the Son of God
is passing by
Hurry come and see
The blind man thought
How can this be
Would a man like this
Touch me ?
Great Expectation filled the air
A hush fell on that place
The blind man fell down on his knees
Crying Lord that I might see
A gentle hand of love reached down
wiped his tears from his face
And the first thing that
that blind man saw
Was God's amazing grace
That blind man then felt God's SonLight
warm on his face
His darkness fled from that great Light
Left joy there in it's place
Then someone ask the blind man
What he now did see
He said I can see the face of God's Great love
Smiling back at me
If you don't mind my asking Lord
Just what your name might be
That man he just said Jesus
I gave your sight to thee
Just because I love you so
Because you ask of me
For when you reached out
for God's SonLight
You reached out to me
Once I too reached out for God's SonLight
My desperate hour came
And the story of that blind man
Who ask that man his name
So I softly whispered Jesus
Would you touch someone like me
Then I reached up
for God's SonLight
And he reached down to me