The armies are gathering
Gathering, Gathering
to Battle
A multitude so great
No man can number them
Are gathering
For a battle with the Lord
Arm yourselves
You mighty men
Beat your plowshears
into swords
Gather in
The valley of decision
For the coming
Of the great day
of the Lord
Call unto the birds of prey
and every beast of the field
For every one shall eat their fill
of flesh and blood
The Lord shall kill
The Saints of God will come with him
on horses white
they will descend
The beast and prophet
He'll cast in
The lake of fire
for their sin
The remnant slain
with the sword
From the mouth
of the Lord
So arm yourself
You mighty men
Beat your plowshears
into swords
Gather in the valley of decision
For the coming of the great day
Of the Lord
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