listened today with great sadness to a man claiming himself to be a preacher of 'the gospel of Jesus Christ'.
suppose that this man spoke for 30 minutes or so and this
being broadcast worldwide. His words were received by
live audience present with great joy and enthusiasm. With
exception of one scripture which pertained to 'the power to get wealth', I heard no other of God's Word mentioned.
I feel certain that if looked at and judged as tho looking thru the eyes of the world, he would have been seen as an
excellent comedian. His only subject being 'earthly riches' - anyone watching the audience reaction could see that he
spoke exactly what they loved hearing.
2nd Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they (speaking
of the church) will not endure SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers, having itching
- And they ( the church) shall turn away their ears 'from THE TRUTH' - & shall be turned unto fables.
The crowd there roared with laughter as this man spoke of his own true life experiences as pertained to his great wealth
and posessions.
It was apparent from the beginning that 'his words' were exactly WHAT THE LISTENERS WANTED TO HEAR.
His audience even thought it extremely FUNNY when he
of times when he had become SO EXAUSTED from
'THE GOSPEL' that he said of the very audience he had came to preach to, "Let em ALL GO TO HELL".
For some reason that didn't seem at all funny to me & I found myself thinking - I can't picture God thinking that's
either. Today however, in spite of what God or I might have thought - his audience today thought it a laugh riot.
At one point in his dialogue, he brought up the subject of how preachers are depicted in the movies. Immediately, out
of the abundance of his heart, his mouth spoke these words,
NEVER catch me riding a donkey"!!! "I ain't never
gonna ride ME nothing but a WHITE HORSE - A BIG
HORSE"! I immediately pictured Jesus entering
Jerusalem riding a donkey. If I didn't know better - I'd
he just said that HE'S TOO GOOD to do something
required of Jesus. It seems like he at least could have added , "unless God told me to." He didn't, so we can
that this man truly did not KNOW 'what he do & say.'
God's Word does say that "a merry heart doeth good like
medicine" - and he did make his audience roar with laughter.
Well, seemingly all but one - and that being me, and perhaps God & Jesus - and that would make three.
Now this man is funny - as FUNNY can be - but BETTER
Jesus - Not funny to me -
How judge they in Heaven - a hit or a miss
they also wondering - WHAT GOSPEL IS THIS??