20:3 - "Thou shalt have NO OTHER GOD'S before me." God did not permit that in the beginning and he will not permit
that NOW. He will not permit that in the future. Any and all who have chosen to disreguard God's Commandment
have only identified themselves as the very ones Jesus warned us of.
A horse
is a horse, of course, of course - and a wolf is a wolf if he's born of a wolf.
In Matt.
12:34 - Jesus left a message for the wolves - "O generation of vipers, how can you being evil, speak good things: for out
of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Here Jesus uses the analogy of a poison serpent because their
words are full of deadly poison.
1st. John
2: 3-4 - "We can know that we know Jesus IF we keep his commandments - and if we do not keep his commandments we are a liar."
One of his commandments is 'that we call NO Man on earth our Father. Jesus did not say that this was a suggestion and
we could take it or choose to disregard his words. All who have made this regretable decision will learn too late that
this commandment of Jesus was indeed very important. To be or not to be - Wolf or Sheep - Every man must choose for
Should God choose to send a prophet to you
- It will NOT be necessary for that man to say "I am a prophet" . If God does not tell you beforehand - then you had
better look and listen very closely. Compare that man's every word with those things you KNOW Jesus has already said.
It may well be that that person is a prophet but not one sent by God - but rather the ones Jesus warned of in Matt. 7:15
This is
not some strange new occurence because these Wolves in Sheep's Clothing have existed since of old. They will continue
until the time for their reward from God. These wolves have an almost uncanny ability to twist almost ever Word of God
into the conclusion that God is solely dependent on men and money rather than the TRUTH that tells us plainly that men
are totally dependent upon God. They will say that their God meets all their needs but can ONLY do so through you.
In Isa.
59:1 - God has already said that his arm is not shortened that he cannot save - but along comes the wolves saying - "if you
don't place everything you have into their trust - that you will be guilty of amputating God's hand.
It is
indeed a wonderful thing to give into and for the preaching of the gospel - BUT - it is not the gospel when the WOLVES say
that God can't get the job done unless or WITHOUT anything.
One simple
TRUTH can put these wolves' theory to rest once and for all. If the preaching of the gospel will be and can only be
- accomplished by men - then why does God find it necessary to send an angel preaching the EVERLASTING GOSPEL - at or at least
very near the end of the Great Tribulation?
Rev. 14:6-7 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the EVERLASTING GOSPEL to preach to ALL on the Earth." Could the reason be found in verse 7? "Saying with
a loud voice, Fear God, and give Glory to HIM (not to some wolf) for the hour of his JUDGEMENT is come." Could God's
Words as found in Jer. 8:7 be the reason God would find this necessary? Has something very important been left out?
Matt. 23:23 tells of some who omitted the weighter matters of the law - the first one mentioned being - JUDGEMENT.
1st Peter 4:17 says that "JUDGEMENT will
begin FIRST at the house of God." ( partial) Of course a wolf much prefers NOT to believe that as the House of God (the
church) is his favorite habitation and feeding ground. They also don't want the sheep believing that either as that
would make the sheep much more difficult to control and manipulate. Exactly as the false prophets teach that repentance
has no application to or for the church - so do they likewise reject the idea of God's JUDGEMENT has anything to do with the
church (The Body of Christ)
in sheep's clothing loves to preach about the LOVE of God, the FAITH of God, the BLESSINGS of God, the PROSPERITY of God -
BUT - they want no part concerning God's JUDGEMENT.
These wolves Jesus warned us of - consider God's pasture and God's sheep to belong to them and if you listen closely you even
hear them say as much. My Church, My Congregation, My Flock, My Followers, - MY - My _ My.
It is
the nature of all wolves to dominate, to exercise control over others, to feel the lusts which comes to all who love power
and authority over others.
It must
be said that this desire was come by honestly because after all - this is the exact nature of the ORIGINAL BIG BAD WOLF.
That nature was found in him and revealed when he said - "I will be like God."
Keep in
mind - that no matter in what form he chooses to appear - be it serpent, or lion, or as an angel of light, or as a Wolf
in Sheep's Clothing - his method of operation will always be the same. He will always seek to change the TRUTH into
a lie - either by adding to or by taking away from - omission or addition. Any and all things Jesus said do - he'll
attempt to get you not to do. Anything and everything Jesus said not to do - He will try every trick at his disposal
to try and decieve you into doing.
And now
you should understand why knowing and understanding God's Word is so important. One of the main reasons is so that we
can distinguish between the voice of Jesus, the only true Shepherd, and the wailing of Wolves. I conclude this study
with these words - not my words - but the words of He who gave his life for the ransom of MANY.
of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves."
The End