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 (a true testimony of God's Love)

This morning, in the wee hours of the morning,

my Loving Heavenly Father

brought to my remembrance an event

from many, many years ago.

Although this story is so very special

to me, I feel very certain that it is not

one unique only to me personally.

I say that because this story has more

than likely taken place in the lives of many,

many people.

As in the words of a very old gospel song,

(which some reading these words may or may not

have ever heard), “It is no secret what God can do”. That statement is the name of that old song and

the very best line in that entire song is

What He's done for others, He'll do for you.”

I make no claims of being a writer, but will

only relate this true story as best I can.

I was about 21 years of age, married a couple

of years, and we had two sons.

The first we named Kenneth Dean

and the youngest we named Keith Allen.

I was in the U.S.Navy and had been sent

to Washington D.C. for schooling on

a new computer system which was about to be installed

on a ship named the U.S. Saratoga, an Aircraft Carrier.

For the first time in my marriage, I

was separated from my wife and children.

I hated being split apart.

I was scheduled to attend schooling for a couple

of months with the IBM corporation in Washington D.C., and then on to Columbus Ohio at North American Aviation for more schooling.

This took place so long ago that I can only

estimate the times as best I can.

I had been there, in Wash. D.C., for only

a few weeks when I received a phone call

from my wife saying that our youngest

son, Keith, was in Stanford Univ. Hospital

with double pneumonia and was

not expected to live until the next day.

Because it was after hours (around 6 Pm

as I remember) I could not leave for California

until the next morning.

To even attempt to describe the feelings of agony, torment and hopelessness, I can NOT put into words.

That would require far much more writing skill than

I have, so let it suffice to say

that I was tormented beyond anything

I had previously ever thought possible.

Minutes became like hours and seconds ticked

by so slowly, that it seemed as if the second

hand moved one tick forward and two back.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity,

it was time for lights out. That was 10 PM

and I still had until 8 AM the next day

before the personal office

would be open so I could obtain the necessary paperwork

for my flight back to California.

After lights out, there was only darkness

with no way of knowing if time was still

moving, or if it had ceased entirely.

For what seemed to be an eternity I prayed,

I begged,I pleaded, I cried.

I can thank my God that he didn't allow

Satan access to tempt me at this time,

because I'm not certain what I would

have given for my son's life.

I know now for sure and certain that

my God will not allow us to be tempted

beyond that which we are able to bear.

When I think about the word “Eternity”

today, I feel as I do have some idea

as to how very long that would seem to

one in Hell, because that's exactly

where I felt I was.

Finally after this eternity, or at least so it seemed,

had passed, I heard the night watchman

making his rounds through our barracks.

As he passed my bunk, I whispered

to him asking what time it is.

He shined his flashlight on his watch

and whispered back, “It's exactly MIDNIGHT”,

12 PM in Wash.D.C.

That was the last thing I remembered.

It seemed the very next instant it was

morning and I was on a plane headed

for California.

My wife was to pick me up at the San Francisco


My eyes searched frantically the front entrance

to S.F.airport, and then, I saw her

coming in the front door.

As I walked slowly towards her,

my eyes searched deeply into hers

and I can still remember that feeling of dread

for what she might say as to Keith's


For what seemed to me like forever,

not one single word was spoken.

Finally I broke the silence.

I asked, “...and Keith?”

The strangest look came over her face

and her next words were these;

The most amazing thing happened last

night at 9 o'clock.

One minute there were as many doctors

surrounding Keith as could get around him,

and at 9 PM he instantly was perfectly

healthy and whole.”

(*the answer)

Keep in mind, Keith had already

ceased to live several times.

Stanford's team of doctors

had worked frantically for hours.

They would bring him back to the living

over and over again.

They would bring him back for a few minutes

only to watch him slip back into the land

of the dead.

As we headed off to Stanford University Hospital,

I don't remember a word being spoken.

I do plainly remember the deal I

had struck with my God-

Please don't let my son die. Save my son

and I'll serve you all the days of my life.”

(*my midnight prayer)

Of course, there is much more to THE REST OF

THE STORY as Paul Harvey would say, but

would you like to know the very most

amazing part of all?

It was almost 12 years later when I came

across a story in the Bible.

That story is found in John 4: 46 – 52

It reads as follows.

So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee,

where he made the water wine. And there

was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick

at Capernaum.

When he heard that Jesus was come out

of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him,

and besought him that he would come down,

and heal his son: for he was at the point

of death.

Then said Jesus unto him, Except you see signs

and wonders, you will not believe.

The nobleman saith unto him, Sir,

come down ere my child die.

Jesus said unto him, Go thy way;

thy son liveth. And the man believed

the word that Jesus had spoken

unto him, and went his way.

And as he was now going down, his servants met him,

and told him saying, 'Thy Son liveth.'

Then inquired he of them THE HOUR when

he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday

at the seventh hour the fever left him.

So the man KNEW that it was (at the same hour),

in the which Jesus said unto him,

'Thy son liveth:' and himself believed, and his

whole house.”

Just in case anyone who reads these words

has missed the similarity between this story

and mine let me provide a clue.

At 12 midnight in Wash. D.C., a poor tormented

soul cried out to his God in agony and torment.

Cried out to the same God he had believed

in since 7 years of age. This same God he loved

as a child, but thought he had outgrown any

need for. This same faithful friend, who I had

so long ago forgotten. He heard the cries of a lonely

and tormented soul.

He gave unto me the greatest Peace I had ever

known. I called upon this same God I had for all practical purposes forgotten. The one thing of which I had no doubts about, was that 'God could'. I cried out and He heard my cry.

I called out in my hour of need. He heard.

In some strange way,

He gave me a peace which could only be described as supernatural.

I called on His name and he remembered me.

This very same God to whom I had so joyfully sang praises

to as a young child. He remembered. He heard my cry.

I pray that you know of Whom I speak. He is truly

the faithful and true witness, The Beginning and the

End. To many, He is Alpha and Omega.


to tell only the Truth,

on that particular day I knew

none of those names,

I knew only ONE NAME on that day.

That name, as I pray you have figured out

by now, was JESUS!


if by some miracle you missed this,

let me just conclude by mentioning

that MIDNIGHT in Wash. D.C.

Is exactly 9 P.M in California.

God bless all for taking of their time

to hear my true testimony and story.

Above all these things, however,

I would close with my profound thanks

to a Loving and Merciful Father.

If anyone would understand losing a Son, it would

without one doubt be



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